Sunday 27 May 2012


Isn't it funny that white women tan to look darker and black women bleach to look fairer! We always want what we don't have!It seems even men are more attracted to fairer skinned women, its not that dark skinned women are not as pretty, its more about the eye catchiness (is that a word) of fair skin, black beauty is usually more subtle so darker women seem to be in an unfair situation when it comes to attracting the opposite sex even if they are prettier than their fairer skinned rival. I think black is beautiful so is fair, every skin tone has its advantages but if you are dark skinned and decide you want lighter skin, its your decision and should be no ones business, the trick is doing it safely, here are a few tips -
- Don't go more than two or three shades lighter - you want your skin to brighten and glow, not change the person you are (you don't want a situation where people walk past you and don't recognise you)
- Steer clear of steroid creams - never, ever use steroids like dermovate and tetnovate and the like. They are prescription drugs which should only be used under the direction of medical personnel. More importantly they thin your skin making you susceptible to stretch marks and early wrinkles.
- Buy creams that have natural lighteners like kojic acid, licorice extract, alpha arbutin and extrapone nutgrass root, they are just as effective as hydroquinone but better because they are natural.
- Take a daily dose of vitamin A, B3(Niacin) and C - They enhance the quality, texture and brightness of your skin.
- Develop an effective scrubbing routine - depending on your skin type, dry skin needs less, oily skin needs more but ideally you should scrub your face two or three times a week and your body at least twice a month.
- Use sunscreen - SPF 50 at the least. it maintains your complexion and keeps the sun from damaging your skin. try neutrogena SPF 70 dry touch with helioplex.
- Never use a ''mixed cream'' - some people mix these potions and sell them as bleaching creams, if you don't know the contents of a skin potion don't ever apply it on your skin.

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