Thursday 16 June 2011


Image from Sahara Reporters
  Our leaders are corrupt,inept,morally bankrupt and have zero sympathy for the plight of the people they lord over so WHY do Nigerians deserve them?
In every society, there are checks and balances built into the system to curb the natural human tendency of taking care of one's self at the expense of all others, in other words - SURVIVAL.
Our conscience is a first level check which is inbuilt,it's what makes us determine right from wrong and enables us make judgements accordingly.A lot of our moral standards are determined by what society judges as right or wrong so the more morally challenged a society is,the less our conscience restricts us.
If conscience fails then there is SOCIETAL OSTRACISATION,in the old days,in African society,citizens were expected to live within a strict framework of rules and guidelines set in place to moderate behaviour and punish wrongdoing.There was a strong belief in good ethics over riches,thievery and bad behaviour were frowned upon and perpetrators were looked down on,in some cases not allowed to participate in social and financial activities within the community and for some serious offences,BANISHED.
Of course nowadays people don't get banished they get JAILED,which brings us to the third check - the Justice system.It is what it is - corrupt and inneffective,it rewards massive corruption by looking the other way while chasing after smalltime rogues and stealers of pots of soup and bowls of amala,COMPLETELY USELESS.
We have failed ourselves because we failed our leaders, we refused to be their moral compass instead we'v held them in awe and in our hearts wish fervently to be like them, if given half the opportunity we would most likely do worse than they have done so how can we now judge them???
We don't look down on them for embezzling our money - we look up to them,we don't look down on them for destroying our children's future - we look up to them,we don't look down on them for not providing us basic infrastructure and making 70% percent of us live below the poverty line - we look up to them,we don't look down on them for murdering us in ill-equipped hospitals and on crater filled roads - we look up to them so,see,we really do deserve them.
Ideally,if society were to work as it was supposed to embezzlers of public funds would have no friends,even if they could'nt be spat upon while they were in office they would be once they were no longer in office,they would be cursed and reminded of their treachery at every turn,they would be labelled as murderers and thieves and pelted with rotten tomatoes,that's what they deserve and we deserve them.

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